Gaylesville School Calendar
What Is Needed If Your Child Is Absent From School Due to Sickness...

Please send a doctor's excuse or a parent note/excuse* to the school.

*See the CCBOE attendance policy concerning absences and excuses (Code 6.1.4)

Gaylesville School Mission
Gaylesville School Crest

The mission of Gaylesville School, working with parents and the community, is to provide all students: the opportunity to learn in a caring, safe, and secure environment the resources and materials needed to be successful in the 21st century competent teachers that deliver high quality instruction so that each student may develop the skills and abilities that will help him/her become a healthy, well-adjusted, and productive member of his/her community.

Nurse Notes
Nurse Notes

SCHOOL NURSE Mrs. Brooke Sentell

256-927-1738 ext 706

Cherokee County Schools aspire to promote the health and well-being of all students.  The goal of each nurse is to build and maintain a healthy school community by implementing strategies that promote student, staff, family, and community health.   The Cherokee County Board of Education employs school nurses throughout the county to provide students and staff with the knowledge and care to ensure that each individual stays healthy and safe each day. 

Please help the school nurse care for your child by informing the nurse at your school (office phone/school email) if your child has:

  • any chronic or acute illness
  • a new medication or change in medication dosage
  • been exposed to communicable diseases such as strep throat infection, chickenpox, or conjunctivitis
  • a life-threatening or new allergy
  • a serious injury requiring hospitalization
  • a diagnosed head concussion
  • an injury requiring casting, sutures, a splint, or mobility assistance of crutches or wheelchair
  • vision or hearing difficulties

The school nurse will work with the child’s physician, parent, and other school personnel to meet special health needs in school so that the child may benefit from their educational program.  A child must provide a note from the doctor for activity restriction due to an injury or illness.

Please help the school nurse by:

  • Updating the phone numbers (home, work, and cell numbers) on your child’s school record so the school nurse can always reach you

Please keep your child home when the following symptoms are present (you may turn in the parent and/or doctor’s excuse when the student returns to school):

  • A temperature of 100.4 degrees F° or greater within the past 24 hours.  Your child must not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.    

  • NOTE:  A doctor's excuse will be required if your child is sent home from school with a fever of 100.4 or higher.

  • Vomiting or diarrhea occurring within the past 24 hours

  • "Pink eye":

    • Bacterial- thick, yellow to green-yellow discharge and more crusting during sleep.  This may occur with the common cold and often begins in one eye and can spread to the non-infected eye.  A medical provider will need to provide treatment.  Your child must not attend school until the medication has been administered and symptoms are no longer present.
    • Viral- watery discharge or discharge that is thick, white or white-yellow in color.  This often involves both eyes.  Your child must not attend school until symptoms no longer exist.
  • Chickenpox - Doctor must culture lesions samples to confirm a diagnosis of chickenpox.  The doctor must report the confirmed diagnosis to the ADPH.  Your child must not attend school until all blisters have formed scabs.  

  • Strep Throat - your child must not attend school until completing 24 hours of prescribed medical treatment and fever is not present.

  • Infections of any kind, untreated ringworm, conjunctivitis, or impetigo.  These are all contagious infections and must be treated with medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

  • MRSA: "staph infection"- your child must not attend school until prescribed medical treatment is started, fever is absent, and the area is covered and drainage is not seeping through it.

  • Rash of unknown origin – this may indicate many different things and should be checked by your child’s physician.

  • Untreated lice infestation 


Lice Policy Concussion Policy

Anaphylaxis Policy

Scoliosis Policy

Seizure Curriculum

Standard Precautions in the School Setting

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Policy

Principal's Message

Hello! I am Mr. Gilbreath, and I am excited to be serving as the Principal at Gaylesville. I am a graduate of Sardis High School c/o 97. I am entering my 20th year in education. I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Jacksonville State University in Secondary Education before receiving my Master’s Degree and EdS in Educational Leadership from the University of Alabama. Go Trojans!

Military Resource Page

7 hours ago

Supporting Military Families

“This We’ll Defend”, “Semper Fidelis” – Always Faithful, “Not self, but country,”, “Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win”, “Semper Paratus” – Always Ready, “Semper Supra” – Always Above

picture of Mrs. Kailtyn Hester
Our inaugural S2S Program at Gaylesville School K-12 is currently being established by Mrs. Kaitlyn Hester - 7th-12th Family and Consumer Science and FCCLA Advisor, along with the assistance of  community leaders and district employees. 
Gaylesville is delighted to become a supporter of Purple Star Military families. Stay tuned for more S2S information! 
For help or more information please contact Mrs. Kaitlyn Hester at, or 256-927-1738 ext:712

Veteran's Day Program 2023

Paul Hyche was our guest speaker.